Subscriptions to ExorbitantPrivilege have now approaching 3000 and I intend to turn on paid subscriptions. Many free subscribers have declared their willingness to pay for my content, and to pay for more of it. Quite a number have pledged annual subscriptions already, which kick in only when I switch to paid subscriptions. It was the recent increase in these pledges which persuaded me to switch from free subscriptions.
Focus on the dollar’s unique position is required more than ever. The new US administration approach to economic policy means the dollar’s exorbitant privilege will be intimately linked to the success of US assets and innovation. As we stand, the US equity and bond markets have reached levels of global dominance never seen before. A cavalier approach to financial and fiscal stability by US institutions may threaten these investments. Challengers such as the BRICs are unable to provide a viable alternative, but inducements are increasing.
It makes sense to align my work to a more professional dedication to the task, which will also mean improved output on this blog. I hope you will continue to support me.
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